John Deere Dealer of the Year in Southern Africa in 2021 - we proudly strive to maintain this high international standard. Always at the forefront of technology, GWK Mechanisation offers equipment, workshop services and parts for every need.
We are service-driven and we sell a wide range of new and used tractors, harvesters, sprayers and other John Deere equipment. The GWK area is currently 94% covered by an RTK network to handle AMS equipment. We also supply various other products from suppliers that include Lemken, Jupidex, Kverneland, Southtrade, Orthman as part of our comprehensive customer service to meet everyone's mechanisation needs. After-sales service is just as important to us as the service you can expect from our marketers and it sets us apart in a competitive market.
Satisfied customers are our main focus. We challenge you to test us.